Farley Bend is a fictitious Maine town situated on the Androscoggin River. The residents of Farley Bend were introduced in “Farley Bend”, a novel I completed in 2014. The story was continued in “Kate’s Story”, completed in 2015. This website contains information about Farley Bend, the series. It also contains links to actual places mentioned in the series, recipes the characters serve in the books, and assorted items that may interest “Farley Bend” readers.
While some aspects of Farley Bend may resemble towns in Maine or elsewhere, the town of Farley Bend exists only in my imagination. The folks who inhabit Farley Bend are also creatures of my imagination – if you think you see yourself in the characters it is most likely a coincidence. If you actually are the inspiration for a character in this series, I discussed your appearance before you moved to Farley Bend.
I live in Auburn, Maine (a real Maine town) with my husband and two cats (Popcorn and Sir Reginald Ashburton III).