I’m having fun working on Volume II. This week I’m contemplating a trip to the theatre for Kate, so working out details of where she will go and what will happen while she is there. In the first volume I deliberately avoided describing personal appearance and wardrobe much, because I’m more interested in what my people are thinking and doing than in what they look like.
When I decided that the theatre outing would be a formal affair, I talked it over with my friend Susan because she is far more fashionable than I am. Susan asked me what Kate looks like. Eventually we decided that Kate should be a redhead. We have a friend in common who has beautiful red hair, so that is the mental image we started with.
Yesterday Susan provided a list of internet search results for outfits she thought would be suitable for Kate’s outing. One of the models looked like she could be Kate, except for her hair. Now I have a very clear picture of Kate in my head. This weekend I’ll spend some time with her at the theatre and see what happens.